Welcome to St. James West!
Please join us for in-person or online worship:
- Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship Service (Recorded for broadcast on Facebook and YouTube)
- Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Service/Children's Ministry
- Monday 7:00 p.m. Monday's With God Worship Service/Children's Ministry
January 19, 2025 - YouTube Worship Service
January 19, 2025 - Bulletin
Click Here to See Our Bulletin
January 19, 2025 - Children's Activities
David challenges Casey to a, well, earthy competition. Let's just say it involves eating crickets. We promise this actually relates to our true Bible story this weekend about John the Baptist and, more importantly, Jesus' baptism. Your kiddos won't want to miss it!
BIG IDEA: Baptism gives us a picture of Jesus’ amazing sacrifice.
BIBLE BASIS: Luke 3; Matthew 3; Mark 1:29-34
KEY VERSE: “By being baptized, we were buried with Christ into his death.
Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father’s glory. And like Christ we
also can have a new life.” Romans 6:4 (NIrV )
Bible Studies This Week 1/19-1/25
THIS WEEK January 19th - 25th
MEN - The Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study meets every week at 5:30 a.m. This is a group of men of all ages who gather weekly for Bible study and prayer in our CFC.
WOMEN - Tuesday Morning "The Chosen" Study - meets at 9:15-10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Susan Young's house.
EVERYONE- The Tuesday Night Bible study meets every week (but the first week of the month) at 7:00 p.m. in the Welcome Center. This is a group of of all ages who gather for Bible study and prayer in our Welcome Center.
We look forward to seeing you!
Women's Bible Study - The Chosen (series four)
Due to the weather we started the fourth season of "The Chosen" January 14th. This series brings to life those people that are mentioned in the Bible, using the historical context of life at the time of Jesus. The series does not contradict scripture, but instead puts life around it so that we as viewers can imagine, “What was life like with Jesus?” It really could have been this way.
There are 8 sessions in this season. We will watch The Chosen with study questions to follow at Susan Young's house. (1463 Sandalwood Ct) We meet on Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.: January 14th (new date) - March 4th (skipping February 11). We'd love to see you there!
Tuesday Night Bible Study - Come Study Joshua with us!
We are studying the book of Joshua on Tuesday evenings, at 7:00 PM in the Welcome Center. Joshua is history, fulfillment, foreshadowing, and applicable today. It is much deeper than the children’s stories! This is a bible study for anyone and everyone. Please feel welcome to attend!
United Caring Shelters Monthly Breakfast
Please don't forget to sign up in the Welcome Center. We need to be sure we have enough volunteers! A minimum of FOUR volunteers are needed each month to help prepare and serve breakfast. The next date is Saturday, February 8th at the United Caring Shelters from 8:00 a.m. through 9:30 a.m. If you have questions contact Lisa M.Toelle (Randy's wife) at (812) 457-8327.
Crusaders' Class Party - February 16th
- Worship Service (Recorded for broadcast on Facebook and YouTube)– 9:00 AM
- Worship Service/Children's Ministry/Adult Sunday School– 10:30 AM
- Mondays With God Worship Service/Children's Ministry– 7:00 PM